Daily blog about my thoughts and ideas regarding life, politics and WHY.
Published on May 26, 2004 By KowGirl In Fiction
A place to sleep the day away and have breakfast in bed. Strangers passing the hall with their stranger secrets as the look both ways in the hall before going in to meet a secret lover.
Cart in the hall - maid in the room; she smells the sheets before she strips the bed and remembers her youth. Thinking back to 1971 when she smoked pot and had sex for fun or money or both.
The mirror talks back to her as she flutters by and asks her what happened to her girlish figure. How did she get where she is?
Stale scents of pot and cheap perfume linger in the bathroom as she passes that mirror careful not to look because she doesn't want to see reality.
Back out to the room; she goes to the single, dark green chair that sits in the corner. Stained with bodily fluids, liquor and cigarette burns she plops down and adds to the memories with a single tear.

on May 26, 2004

remembering a time when she used to make a face like for random men...

if the price was right